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Taiwanese Musician in Los Angeles TaMuLa TaMuLa

Writer's picture: huansuhuansu

誠⼼邀請所有在洛杉磯追求表演藝術事業的台灣⾳樂家,⼀起在洛杉磯實現夢想。我們的使命是希望⼤家能夠互扶持! TaMuLa 成立於 2017 年 7 ⽉ 8 ⽇,由 Steve C. Chiu 創立,團體的成員積極的參 與媒體錄⾳⼯作/⾳樂錄製,洛杉磯台灣書院,⾳樂會表演,當地表演藝術⾳樂相關活 動,⾳樂教育等項⽬! TaMuLa 不僅僅是分享⾳樂,也分享我們的⽂化!

TaMuLa invites all the Taiwanese musicians who pursue their careers in Los Angeles. The mission of TaMuLa is for everyone to share, help, seek connections, and most importantly to support each other Taiwanese in Los Angeles. TaMuLa was founded on July 8, 2017, by Steve C. Chiu, the members actively participated in the media recording stages, concert performance, local events, music education, and more. TaMuLa shares not only music but also culture.

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