02/11/2023 Taiwan 228 Incident Memorial Activities
Taiwan Day
Formosan Arts & Technology Museum
Ascension Lutheran Church
Prayer ● Music ●Arts & Food
Address: 26231 Silver Spur Road, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
. Master of Ceremonies: 主持人 David Yang楊熾勳
Prayer Psalms: Prayer 祈禱牧師: Pastor Scott Hawkins
The Band 美國樂團: Ascension Worship Director / Lead: Townsend Losey ; Acoustic/Pianist: Townsend Losey ; Drummer: Cale Giachello ; Bass: Tony Alvarez ; Electric Guitarist: Sandy Erickson; Vocalists: Allegra DeMott ; Sound Engineer: Andres Cazares
Solo/ 獨唱: 台灣歌仔戲Taiwanese Opera;
Christine Cheng何如璋 Solo/獨唱: Sally Tsai 蔡淑理;
Jau-Ching Lai 賴昭晴; Fuh-Mei Tsai 蔡芙美
Chorus/合唱: 鋼琴Pianist: 廖明妙 Ming Miao Liao
Tenors 男高音: Soen Chen陳受恩; William Wu 吳昭雄
Bass/Baritone/男低音: Chong Lee Lin 林宗禮; Jung-Yao Hsu 許榮耀
The Band TaMuLa 樂團音樂演奏
Violinist / 小提琴: Shelly Ren 任盈潔; Sheng-Ching Hsu 徐升晴
Violist /中提琴: Hui-Ping Lee 李蕙冰; Cellist/大提琴: Christopher Ahn
Solo/ 獨唱: 巫秀珍; 許正雄歌唱表演